The paint is going up on the walls. The flooring is planned for later this week. We've been shopping for lighting. This is happening, friends. We're nearly done with this massive project! Our weekends have been planned around sales and excursions to specialty stores both near and far. In fact, we were up with the birds this morning so that we could hit a sale... and, score!! We picked ...
I am a faithful subscriber of Country Living magazine. I want to live inside of every page in every issue - inspiration from cover to cover. A few issues back, I read about this great DIY project and it immediately grabbed my interest. I was blown away when I discovered it was made from Shrinky Dinks! Are you kidding me? I hadn't thought about Shrinky Dinks even once in the past 2 decades. Did ...
I know. I owe you a tutorial. It's coming, I promise! I've been drowning in lighting catalogs this week. Yet another overwhelming, yet somewhat immediate, decision to make. But look at this beauty that I found in a local store. I really love this light. I can't think of anything more perfect for my sewing room. It's quirky and creative and polished! Sort of "out there" for me, but I'm ...
It's been 2 weeks! Eek! My first thought... where did the time go? My second thought... it seems like ages since I've posted! So, I've mentioned that we're building a house, right? Well, we're to the point where completion is so close, but there are so many decisions to make! I spent last weekend running around Atlanta, looking at flooring and cabinets. Paint colors had to be selected ...
Yeah... someone I work with always says that. But... I do have a winner for one of my little pendant creations... selected in a random drawing... Miss Rebecca Pierce! Yay! Please send your mailing address to rachelhgarza{at}gmail{dot}com, along with a few recommendations - colors you like, any design details or ideas that I can incorporate into your necklace. Ironically enough, Rebecca also guessed the material correctly - Shrinky Dinks! The stuff you had so much fun with as a kid is all grown ...
Those Garza Boys. They sure do keep me on my toes. Individually, today, they ruined the canvases that I had been working on for my sewing room. It's funny, really. I heard "Ball!" and turned around just in time to see Ryder ripping off one of the little yarn balls that I'd created for 3-D effect. Then, Dylan decided that he would occupy the chair that I had my finished dress canvas sitting ...
Oh, my go-sh! {Make "gosh" two syllables and you'll get my gist.} I had sooo much fun with my project this week! I made jewelry for the first time ever, unless you count the macaroni necklaces and friendship bracelets from yonder year. I made these little pendants for a few friends of mine. Aren't they cute? There was certainly a technique to follow and I got of to rough start. I wasted ...