I'm a gypsy at heart. I thrive on change. I embrace risk. I love tackling a new challenge. Last Monday, I began my newest journey - a Masters of Education in Higher Education Leadership. I'm equally excited and terrified. I've been out of the classroom for a while so I'm nervous about balancing everything on my plate. But I have a strong support base so I'm confident I can succeed! But ...
Things are coming together, friends! I'm getting more organized every day. Here is a peek at my new studio space. ...
Hi there… Have you missed me? I was hoping that someone would call for a search party! I’ve been buried under a pile of boxes and whatnots! I have never felt more like a hoarder. I remembered packing up my sewing room last year – 6 boxes or so, right?? Try 35! 35 boxes of fabric, patterns, notions, organizers, tools… that doesn’t include my 5 sewing machines, dress form, and shelving. I ...