posted on , by I'm Rachel.

Hello, friends! Whew! It has been a crazy month so far. I'm presently recovering from surgery, while trying to balance my family, work, and grad school demands. And grad school... yeah... who ever thought it was a good idea to tackle three courses at one time? Photo found here. Trust me. It wasn't my idea. So, I wanted to pop by to let you know I'm taking a break from blogging. ...


Holy Bumper Batting, Batman!

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

Miss Dixie of DixieDIY.com contacted me a few weeks ago to ask me to write a guest post for her blog while she takes a much deserved vacation. I was thrilled and so honored that she asked me! Unfortunately, I had to have a bit of unexpected surgery and missed the deadline to get everything to her. And I feel terrible about that, Dixie! I am sorry to have let you down. So... I'm posting ...


Third Time's a Charm

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

Over the past couple of weeks, I've been collecting your ideas for dressing up my garden entrance and you've shared some really amazing ideas!! Rain bells, wind chimes, paint, climbing vines... I can picture it all in my mind's eye! I was perusing my Pinterest boards and was reminded of this lovely garden gate wreath that I found, courtesy of Funky Junk Interiors. I love everything ...


Living Vicariously... Episode II

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

"Are you wearing something DIY-able today?" I'm not sure that's even an appropriate question, but Kaitlin always humors me! Her Anthropologie wardrobe is just so inspirational!!!!! Today was no exception. I'm really loving this top. Constructed out of a beautiful silk, the shape is so striking! Definitely something I want to look into DIY-ing... Do you know of a similar pattern? While ...