Handmade Christmas :: Friends!!

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

I did not enjoy Christmas "marketing" this year. I grew sick of the cries of "more, more, MORE!!!" coming from my television/radio/internet very early on. It was all just too much. Bleh. I have always tried to give handmade to close friends and family. My crazy schedule did not permit me to spend much time in my studio, but I was able to make a few things. If you're looking for a ...


This Ugly House :: The Master Bathroom, In Progress

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

Progress has been very slow on the master bathroom. My husband has done everything by himself - except the plumbing! He's amazing! Unfortunately, there is risk associated with doing everything yourself and, sure enough, he hurt his dominant wrist. Despite the incredible pain, he's continued to plow on as he's able. Additional delay has been caused by the cabinetry. The cabinets came in, ...


Oh, You Know...

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

Every now and again, I have to write a post to remind myself why I blog. I was interviewed a few months ago about my experience as a blogger and was asked about my goals. My reply? "I've read that the typical lifespan of a blog is about two years. I'd like to do what I can to defy that statistic." However, as I approach my third anniversary, my posting has become less frequent... ...


Tips for Styling Your Family Photos

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

I have mixed emotions about Facebook. In fact, it can take you through your full range of emotions in one session... happy, sad, touched, annoyed, reflective, inspired... But what I love about Facebook is reconnecting with old acquaintances and discovering where life has taken them. Emily is one such acquaintance from high school. After reconnecting last year, I learned that she is an ...


The Future's So Bright...

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

I had a rude awakening this summer. "Mom, I want a pair of aviator sunglasses. Because they're cool. And because directors wear them." {What?! Who is this little man and where is my baby?! When did he start to care about "cool?!"} So, we scoured the entire mall to find the perfect pair and came out victorious by the little guy's standards. And he wears them. All. The. Time. Fast ...


Loungin' Around

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

The throw pillows for my couches always seem to be on the floor. And this drives me CRAYYYYY-ZEEEEEE. It doesn't matter how much I complain. Yep, there they are. Back on the floor again... Time to change my strategy and give those boys what they never knew they needed. Bean bags!!! I pinned this awesome bean bag cube from Ballard two years ago. I've seen other inspirational designs, ...


This Ugly House :: The Master Bathroom, Before

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

When we were looking at homes online, before seeing them in person, we came up with a nickname for each property. The nickname for this house? "The Toilet House." Any guess as to why? Oh, geez. Where do I begin to highlight the weirdness of this room? The vacuous, sterile space? The 80's-tastic bar lighting? The toilet with no privacy? The door with a window that gives the neighbors ...