I just dropped Kellie off at the airport.

**tear and sniff**

We had such a great weekend... sightseeing, shopping, eating, and... crafting.

Yes, I suckered her into a crafting session. I've missed having creative company! A visit from my bestie was the perfect crafting jumpstart that I needed.

I've had this idea floating in my head for a while and was waiting for the right time to give it a try - "enameled" Shrinky Dink pinwheel charms.

Isn't it adorable?

I love pinwheels. I "pin" them as often as I see them. They are such happy little things!

Look at these beauties.

And, do you remember my March Winds wreath?

It's still hanging in my boys' playroom. Such a happy sight!

But I digress... back to the tutorial.

We would both label this project a challenge and a success (and I have the burns to prove it!).

Here's how we made our charms.

Start with a 2" x 2" square of Shrinky Dink material. Cut four slits from the exterior corners to the near-middle of the square.

Punch a hole in one corner.

Heat your oven and shrink per product directions.

Here's where it gets tricky... and dangerous...

Right as your plastic lays flat, open the oven and begin to fold in the edges towards the center as shown below. You have to work very quickly or the plastic will become to hard to fold into shape.

I burned myself several times during our various trials - so, trust me, it's dangerous work!

We made several attempts before figuring out the proper technique for working with the plastic.


File the tips of the pinwheel just a bit because the edges are very sharp.

Paint your piece with nail polish just as you would a manicure - several thin coats and a top coat. Allow each to dry thoroughly.

We inserted toothpicks into our punched hole to make painting all sides easier.

Add a jump ring and you're done!

Now that we've worked through this project, I can think of 1,000 ways to make it even more creative with painting techniques. I'm thinking polka dots... glitter... stripes... ahhhhhh!!!! There is so much fun to be had!

I'm tempted to try more 3D Shrinky Dink projects after our success with this one. Any ideas? Send them my way, please!


This Ugly House :: The Deck

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

I love my back deck. I have nothing negative to say about this space. {You were beginning to think that I do nothing but complain. Am I right?} It's so spacious and inviting. And now that it's warm, we are practically living back here! My 3-year-old says dinner is always a "picnic." What could need improvement? Well... other than just a thorough power washin', a few flowers ...


Company's Coming!!

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

I'm so excited to have a very special visitor flying in to spend Memorial Day Weekend with me... My dearest friend, Kellie!!! We've been practically joined at the hip for the past seven years and I've missed her so, SOOOOO much since the move. There is nothing like the expectation of company to kick all of your home improvement projects into high gear - thus the overwhelming number ...


This Ugly House :: The Powder Room

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

We finally finished up our downstairs powder room this weekend. Imagine, if you will, a rosy pink pedestal sink and toilet with a scalloped pink detail on both the sink backsplash and tank cover. Very pink and very dated. Bleh. Everything came out - the fixtures, the flooring, the baseboard heat unit.   After a few coats of paint, all new fixtures and flooring, and a ...


Vogue 8870

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

I couldn't wait another minute! My studio has been completely dismantled so I set up camp in the dining room. I just had to sew! Rather than picking up one of my outstanding projects, I decided to tackle a "Very Easy" Vogue pattern that my sweet friend sent me for my birthday. Vogue and Very Easy... that's an oxymoron, right?     I've been holding on to the perfect fabric. ...


No Sew: Taking Bedskirt from Queen to Full

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

Our second guest bedroom is lacking an identity. Ultimately, I'd like it to have a more masculine feel. I especially LOVE this Swiss Army blanket-inspired room that Cooper Boone featured on his blog, "Cooper's Table." It's strong, masculine, and... simple! As a start, I've set up a full-size bed with a few accessories. I guess you could call it, "The Land of Cast Off Furniture." ...


This Ugly House :: The Guest Bedroom 1

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

Just as quickly as I set up my studio in the new house, my husband threw himself full-force into redoing all of the flooring. Every square foot of it. He's now laid temporary claim to my creative space as a catch-all for his tools and equipment. How can I complain? The renovations are already amazing. We've decided if we had a show on HGTV, it would be called, "This Ugly House." I've ...