Building Blocks :: Block One

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

My knitting class started last week and I missed it! My husband was traveling for work and I just couldn't fit it all in. Thanks goodness for my friend, Cristy, who gave me a quick tutorial during lunch one day. To catch you up, I'm taking a afghan class. The goal for the class is learn a variety of knitting techniques by completing one blanket square per month. We're following Michelle ...


Poncho Mashup

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

My obsession with The Walking Dead is a mystery to me. I hate gore... I hate soap operas... TWD is a gory soap opera. Yet, I LOVE it. It makes me want to cry, cheer, and throw up at the same time, kind of like a roller coaster. I mourn for weeks after each season is over. Seriously. As though a gaping hole has been left in my heart. Clearly, I have a problem. My obsession with this ...


This Ugly House :: The Master Closet Situation

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

Okay, ladies. I know that each of you can imagine how hard it might be to manage your wardrobe - including shoes and a husband - with a closet like this. Did I just hear a collective gasp? That's right! For the past year, I've been stuffing my clothes into half of this closet (can you guess which half?) and storing the rest in various locations around the house. Piles on the floor ...


Beyond the Moon...

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

I knew this day would come eventually. The day my son would come home with his first... science project. As I read the assignment, the cold sweat and mild anxiety attack may have given my true feelings away. My first thought was to schedule a meeting to gain deeper insight into his teacher's methods and desired outcomes. What if we misinterpreted the assignment?! {Can you tell that I've ...


Cupcake Distraction

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

Y'all. It was -12 degrees, with a wind chill of -34, when I woke up this morning. It is so cold it physically hurts! Have you felt the effects of the "Polar Vortex of 2014?" Meh. Everyone is talking about the cold... so, let's talk about crafting. It was really no surprise when my nearly-four-year-old began asking for a "shark cake" for his upcoming birthday. Not a superhero theme... ...


Bucket List :: Sledding!

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

After one full year in Pennsylvania, we finally went sledding and it was... So. Much. Fun. ...


Knit. Purl. Repeat.

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

"Actually, I'm learning to knit." As I spoke the words to the very kind (very polite) gentleman who inquired about my recent projects, I surprised myself. I've NEVER been interested in knitting. Knitting requires you to sit still. It requires patience. It requires repetition. This is all very challenging for me. Yet, here I am... writing, with yarn and needles by my side. It's weird... ...


I'm Still Standing!

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

Well, friends, despite its best attempts, 2013 didn't kill me. I am a fighter. {Cue Rocky theme music...} Needless to say, I am so happy to see it go. I made a major move this year - from Georgia to Pennsylvania. With major life change, you should always expect the unexpected. I certainly didn't expect to have two bad falls (one that took 6 months to fully recover from), a car wreck, ...