k3tog :: A Tale of Friendship

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

If you've ever moved to a new place, you know how hard it is to find solid friends. I've been incredibly blessed over the past 2 1/2 years. Since moving to Pennsylvania, I've been wrapped in support and kindness from all sides - neighbors, colleagues, acquaintances... I've been overwhelmed by warmth and acceptance. So, let me introduce you to two ladies who now occupy a very special ...


Easter Piggies

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

Call us "Cavy Slaves." Over the past year, we've fallen totally in love with a pair of guinea pigs, Jagger and Joplin. They wheek and we come running. We are really at their beck and call. Well, Miss Joplin decided to give birth to two precocious wee ones while we were on the road, traveling from Georgia to Pennsylvania. Yeah... our road trips are never boring. Just look at ...


McCalls 6794

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

Have you ever heard me say that I'd never sew with crepe again? Never? Well, I really mean it this time. Unfortunately, I fell under the spell of this gorgeous bird print and chose to ignore the little voice in the back of my head that said "DO NOT HIT 'ADD TO CART'!!!" After all, the pattern that I had in mind for it was a very simple pattern. How much trouble could it be? **bwahahahaha** McCall's ...