Does it seem to everyone else that the stuffy days of suits and pantyhose in the workplace are falling by the wayside? I know opinions about this vary, but I ab-so-lute-ly love it. I've recently transitioned from a more "buttoned-up" workplace to one that allows me to dress for the day ahead. If I'm meeting with clients or representing the company, I tend to dress more traditionally ...
Made for Mermaids :: Mama Kourtney
Admittedly, I'm easily impressed. However, it takes a lot to knock my socks off. Earlier this year, I discovered PDF sewing patterns and had that moment of, "Holy. Cow. This is freakin' genius!" One file... every size you could ever need... yours to print as many times as you'd like... and, I'm soooo late to the game! Needless to say, I've been making up for lost time and have quickly ...
This is certainly one of those seasons that enjoys messin' with our emotions, isn't it? Hot... cold... rain... more rain... frigid... then a sunburn the very next day! Well, on the warm days, I have certainly enjoyed pulling out these hippy-dippy shorts. I actually made them last year and never got around to photographing them. Simplicity 1373 is, unfortunately, now out of print. ...
First a bit of personal news... I finished all of my academic requirements to apply for the CPA exam!!!! This came as a surprise to me because I thought I had 2 more semesters left. I was so surprised that I emailed the evaluation agency to ask, "Are you sure?!" They confirmed that it was true. Hallelujah!!! So, after sitting around like a bump-on-a-log, decompressing, for a week after ...
Y'all... I am sewing like a mad woman over here. Two large storms are brewing - my last semester of accounting classes (fingers crossed) and tax season! Once they arrive, I'll be too tired to even shop for fabric. Well, maybe not that tired... It's so great to feel inspired to sew, though. I've mentioned that it's been one heck of a year. In addition to the personal challenges we've ...