My oldest son started chattering about making a teddy bear a few weeks ago. I'm not sure what inspired him, but he was insistent on making one! How could I say no? We used Simplicity 9524 for the pattern. So, I found a few small pieces of fabric that I thought he might like and he set to work. He cut. I sewed. He stuffed. I sewed. He's pretty darn cute - even without ...
Sound check... testing... 3, 2, 1... Is anyone still listening? Whew! What a time I've had! Allow me to briefly fill you in on the last several weeks. I... accepted job in Pennsylvania... gave two months notice at work... put house on the market... sold house in THREE weeks... took a quick vacation to Disney World... ...hopped a plane to PA... negotiated contract on purchase ...
Boy, my life has been taken over by "grown up" decision-making these days. First the major news... I'm moving! If you've followed my blog over the past year, you know that we completed construction of our current home last summer. The idea of a move may seem crazy. Well, I've never been adverse to change and I've never been one to form attachments to material things – like my house. A great opportunity has come my way to move to Pennsylvania and my husband and I have decided to pursue this new ...
Repeat after me. "I will never make a yoga bag out of oilcloth." Trust me. It's for your own sanity and the health of your sewing machine. Having said that, look at how cute this turned out! My friend, Kellie, and I have joined a yoga class that meets during the work day. Neither of us has ever participated before so everything was new to us! We didn't want to invest in our own mats ...
I ordered new window treatments for my bedroom. Yes, I ordered them. Part of me is disappointed that I gave in and actually bought them, rather than making them. But... they look so good!!! And, they are lined!!! And, I didn't have to fight with yards and yards of fabric!!! I can't believe I found something to coordinate with the explosion of pattern I already have going on in ...
So, I finished up my classes this week and it feels ahhh-mazing!!! I have one huge paper ahead of me to complete in the next eight weeks, but that seems totally do-able when I look back at how far I've come. I just can't wait to begin tackling all of the things on my creative to-do list!!!!!!!!! Dylan has been asking me if we were going to decorate at all for Halloween. Honestly, ...
I've never done much beading, or jewelry making for that matter. And, it's sorta hard to know what you need for your projects if you don't know the name of the parts you're looking for! After much research, I now know that jewelry making "parts" are called "findings." {Um... why?} Seriously, I must be Googling the wrong terms because I just can't seem to find the techniques ...
How Does Your {Winter} Garden Grow?
I just wanted to share a few recent photos of our garden. We're still harvesting summer veggies, but we've planted for winter! And, my jar lid wreath is weathering beautifully! ...
I'm a long time customer of Keurig. I absolutely love, love, love my machine! So, I jumped at the chance to host a House Party for Keurig's newest brewing system, Vue. But, honestly... how could they really improve on perfection? Well, they did. The Vue system is astounding! You can select the strength of your coffee, create café beverages with fancy froth, and brew over ice! Like ...