Celebrating Superheroes

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Sound check... testing... 3, 2, 1...

Is anyone still listening?

Whew! What a time I've had!

Allow me to briefly fill you in on the last several weeks.

I... accepted job in Pennsylvania... gave two months notice at work... put house on the market... sold house in THREE weeks... took a quick vacation to Disney World...

...hopped a plane to PA... negotiated contract on purchase of house (more on that in another post!)... finished graduate school... spent every possible moment finishing work projects in hopes to leave everything in great shape for my replacement (who happens to be one of my BEST friends!)... packing... packing... packing...

And somehow fitting in Christmas shopping and wrapping in between all of that.

I wish that I could say this was a handmade Christmas, but it's not. You know how I love a handmade gift!

However... my friend, Kellie, and I collaborated to make something special for a mutual friend... who happens to be a hero to both of us.

Chris exudes light and positive energy. He's quick witted, hilarious, and insanely intelligent. He knows more about pop culture than anyone I know.

He's an amazing baker and always makes it a point to whip up something special for his friends to celebrate their special occasions.

So, we wanted to honor him this Christmas with something from our hearts - a superhero apron!

We teased him with Facebook & Instagram photos for several days while, but I'm pretty sure he had no idea what we were doing.

I couldn't find a man's apron pattern so we altered a simple pattern from Simplicity.

At Kellie's brilliant suggestion, I used mixing bowls as a template for the rings of the shield.


We were so proud to give it to Chris!

And, he seems like the kind of guy who appreciates something handmade from the heart.

I know that I say it often, but I praise God every day for the special heroes he has blessed me with in life.

Hope you are all doing great! I have truly missed you so much!