Out of Sight, Out of Mind

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

Well, this has been one of the darkest and dreariest weekends that Georgia has seen in a long time. Tornado warnings, golf-ball sized hail, torrential rain... we've had it all. I had grand plans for the project that I was going to tackle this weekend, but had to revise things a bit because I couldn't work outside. Instead, I decided to start on my kiddos' art center in their playroom. {Note ...


Box Jewelry

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

I'm still in the process of organizing and decorating my studio space. The layout is a little odd because the ceilings slope with the shape of the roof. There is plenty of room, but I've had to get creative with my shelving units. But we're getting there! I purchased 2 of these from IKEA and they fit perfectly, laid on their sides under the slopes - with room to place baskets, tools, ...


A Break from the Norm

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

This is not my typical post, but I was reminiscing about the past few days and had to share a few photos. I had an exceptionally social weekend. It was a fantastic break from the "married-with-2-kids" grind. My hubby and I enjoyed date night on Friday with a very nice dinner, followed by "A Night with Megan North" at The Opening Act, an awesome little concert venue in downtown Macon. Recognize ...


A Window Treatment

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

Okay. You may be better off not knowing this about me, but I'm sharing anyway. I have a security blanket in the form of a bright pink fluffy robe. Once I get home in the evenings, we rarely part company. We bonded during my last pregnancy and I just can't let go! {Hang with me... I'm going somewhere with this.} My studio has a window that faces the road and I've left it uncovered (no ...


Subway Art

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

Graphic design is a major part of my professional life. However, in marketing, you're usually tied to a certain set of objectives - branding, graphics standards, a particular look and feel. So, the idea of subway art has always fascinated me. It seems so freeing... {You mean, I can use any words that I want, any font that I like, in any pattern that I wish? Shut the front door! That's ...


DIY Redemption

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

Happy Wednesday!! I just love my friend, Megan. You've heard me gush about her a time or two {or more}. She was kind enough to let me share her DIY Fail story with you several months ago. It was a hilarious, yet totally inspirational account! So, of course, I want you to read all about her newest project: DIY Success - Rainboots! You'll be glad you did. **smile ...