Heart Shaped Box

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Did anyone pick up on the Nirvana reference? Is that past your time?

{I'm on a 90's grunge rock kick!}

Speaking of the late 90's... I used to love Brighton jewelry! I still do, but my jewelry trends have changed since then.

My husband loves to indulge me when he's familiar with something that I really love - and, for him, he was comfortable going to the jewelry counter and loading up on Brighton.

Brighton earrings. Brighton necklaces. Brighton belts. Brighton shoes. Brighton purses. Brighton sunglasses. Brighton hair accessories. Brighton... lip stick holder...

I just love that man.

Along the way, I've amassed quite a collection of Brighton tins.

I knew I should save them. They are so darn cute and functional!

I'm in the process of reorganizing my studio and had the sudden idea to turn them into magnetic board storage!

This was all that I needed to make it happen.

{By the way... E6000 is the best adhesive ever! Forget super glue! Just a small drop is all you need.}

I used three magnets on the backs of the smaller tins and five on the backs of the larger.

My next step was to gather the small items to store in my cute little heart shaped storage boxes.

That presented another dilemma... how would I ever remember what was inside of each?

That solution will follow in my next post!