Dylan's Bear

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

My oldest son started chattering about making a teddy bear a few weeks ago. I'm not sure what inspired him, but he was insistent on making one! How could I say no? We used Simplicity 9524 for the pattern. So, I found a few small pieces of fabric that I thought he might like and he set to work. He cut. I sewed. He stuffed. I sewed. He's pretty darn cute - even without ...


Celebrating Superheroes

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

Sound check... testing... 3, 2, 1... Is anyone still listening? Whew! What a time I've had! Allow me to briefly fill you in on the last several weeks. I... accepted job in Pennsylvania... gave two months notice at work... put house on the market... sold house in THREE weeks... took a quick vacation to Disney World... ...hopped a plane to PA... negotiated contract on purchase ...