Vogue 1183

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If you keep up with me on Facebook at all, you may recall {deeeeep within the recesses of your memory} that I began Vogue 1183 in October of last year.

I made some decisions to cut corners along the way (such as omitting the skirt lining) and ran into some construction issues.

{Hey, at least I'm consistent!}

I've experienced a lot of guilt over this dress - as it's stared at me from its sad little pile in my studio - so finally decided to complete it this weekend.

The problem with waiting this long to complete a project is the weight you may or may not have gained during the months that have passed... say, 10 pounds or so...

{Summer is ice cream season!}

So, I can't wear it, but at least it's done for when I can.

Overall, I'm not pleased with my result. Not a total fail, but definitely not a winner.

I'd say this pattern is fairly simple. I used a shantung sateen. It was easy to cut and handle {thank goodness!}. The construction and finishing certainly suffered from my inconsistent attention. It might look better once I give it a proper pressing.

PatternReview.com always asks the question, "Would you sew this pattern again?" I think I actually would make this pattern again - the right way. I learned a lot as I worked through this.

Maybe I can wear it next summer...