Has it really been more than a year since my first post about this bathroom? Even before we demolished this room, we had 6 months of searching for a contractor under our belts. Believe me, it has been a process! When I gave my last update in December of 2013, I thought we were 5-6 weeks away from completion. {heh-heh-heh...} After giving up on our search for professional assistance, ...
I don't think I've ever worked on a project for 9 months. {Well, other than my pregnancies... the ultimate test of strength, patience, and creativity. Am I right?} At the beginning of the year, I enrolled in a knitting class. The project? A 12-block patchwork blanket that would serve as an introduction to a variety of knitting techniques. We followed Michelle Hunter's book, Building Blocks. Nine ...
Since picking up knitting last fall, I quickly realized that it is an activity that I can carry with me everywhere — in the car, on the plane, to the park, to the beach... With my busy schedule, it's become the only creative outlet that I can take advantage of these days. When my mother taught me the basics — knit and purl — less than a year ago, I never imagined that I could create a ...
This Ugly House :: The Kitchen is Complete!
It's been a LOOOOONNNGGGGGG time! If you've read many of my past posts, you know I place high importance on life balance. Between home and work, I've been a bit overwhelmed this year and decided the blog had to fall off the "to-do list." Just for an extended time out... Work has continued on the house and the kitchen has been complete for a few months now. While the space configuration ...
This Ugly House :: Boy's Bathroom
Wanna see something really gross? Any ideas why this is so gross? How about now? This is what cigarette tar build-up looks like on your walls! And here's what it looks like when you start to clean it. The previous owners of our home used one of the upstairs bathrooms as a smoking room... apparently for a LOOONNNNNGGGGGG time. This room was so saturated with smoke, we had ...
I absolutely love vintage shapes in skirts. I especially love flirty, knee-length skirts. That pretty much sums up Vogue 8882. Kellie sent me this pattern last spring and, as perfect as it is, I've been reluctant to get going with it. The main reason? It requires a whopping five yards of fabric! That's a heckuva lot of fabric! But, this past week, I decided to stop procrastinating ...