I don't think I will ever understand the game of football. Other than the really important plays, like running the field, kicking a goal, or scoring a touchdown, the rest is just confusing noise. My apathy for the game has always bothered my husband (as someone who takes every-single-play very personally). Imagine his delight when I began my most recent major knitting project - Michelle ...
Vogue 8881 :: When Life Gives You Ugly Fabric... Take Two
I may not have mentioned that I just made another big move. From GA to PA and back again! As I was repacking my studio, I realized that I could have an entirely new summer wardrobe if I just used the fabric that I have on hand. So, I've been picking away at simple projects and planning for a few others. (planning = buying more fabric) So, while cleaning out, I opened a box and found ...
I spent a little time yesterday digging out my UFOs - UnFinished Objects. I was a bit embarrassed to find so many. I honestly thought I was more diligent than that, but, then again, the past 2 years have been a blurrrrrrrr... So, here's what I have lined up for the month. I want to finish this dress... And this one... {gah. really, really not looking forward to this ...
When we decided to make the move back home, my husband took on the charge to find our new home. He was traveling back and forth to work in Georgia anyway so he spent time visiting properties, taking pics and measurements, and eventually narrowed down his search to two homes. After building 3 homes and remodeling our home in Pennsylvania, I was tired of home renovations… yep, I had finally ...
I love a good challenge. I think it's because of my competitive streak. It's no secret that the past couple of years have thrown me off of my creative game and I've been itching for a jump-start. Enter the September Sew for 30 Challenge. In honor of National Sewing Month, Star's Threads has issued the challenge to spend 30 minutes of each day sewing. I have tons of patterns and ...
It's hard to believe that 2 months have passed since moving home from Pennsylvania. In some ways, it feels like the blink of an eye... in others, as though years have passed. I am feeling a bit reminiscent today so I thought I'd share some of the wonderful things that I already miss from that beautiful, enchanting part of the country. Mild summers... sponge candy... beer culture... ...
If you've ever moved to a new place, you know how hard it is to find solid friends. I've been incredibly blessed over the past 2 1/2 years. Since moving to Pennsylvania, I've been wrapped in support and kindness from all sides - neighbors, colleagues, acquaintances... I've been overwhelmed by warmth and acceptance. So, let me introduce you to two ladies who now occupy a very special ...
Call us "Cavy Slaves." Over the past year, we've fallen totally in love with a pair of guinea pigs, Jagger and Joplin. They wheek and we come running. We are really at their beck and call. Well, Miss Joplin decided to give birth to two precocious wee ones while we were on the road, traveling from Georgia to Pennsylvania. Yeah... our road trips are never boring. Just look at ...
Have you ever heard me say that I'd never sew with crepe again? Never? Well, I really mean it this time. Unfortunately, I fell under the spell of this gorgeous bird print and chose to ignore the little voice in the back of my head that said "DO NOT HIT 'ADD TO CART'!!!" After all, the pattern that I had in mind for it was a very simple pattern. How much trouble could it be? **bwahahahaha** McCall's ...