Vogue 8881 :: When Life Gives You Ugly Fabric... Take Two

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I may not have mentioned that I just made another big move. From GA to PA and back again!

As I was repacking my studio, I realized that I could have an entirely new summer wardrobe if I just used the fabric that I have on hand. So, I've been picking away at simple projects and planning for a few others.

(planning = buying more fabric)

So, while cleaning out, I opened a box and found this.

Do you remember this horrible purchasing decision? You might if you've been along for the ride with me for four years. I first found use of it for this awesome braided necklace.

I still have no idea what compelled me to purchase this tie-dyed disaster. The blue is redeeming, but the brown looks like a rag that's been dragged through red Georgia clay.


Anywho... I decided to give it a go with Vogue 8881, a cute asymmetrical top that is perfect for summer.

This was a project of firsts for me.

It was my first time sewing with jersey.

It was my first time cursing at my serger.

It was my first time falling in love with my serger. We just needed a little counseling and a long session with the owner's manual. It's actually working better than ever now.

While the fabric is still just as ugly as it was before I cut it, I love this top! It is so simple and would have taken one evening to make (had I not had my serger troubles). The fit is perfect. The shape is interesting. It will be perfect with jeans or leggings.

And, hey, I can sweat in it and everyone will think it's just part of the fabric design. Bonus!