Amy Butler's Liverpool Dress

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This pattern holds a special place in my heart. When I was pregnant with my second child, I desperately wanted to sew maternity clothes, but my options at that time were so limited! I was thinking about the different shapes of the patterns that I owned and how awesome it would be if pattern makers would throw in an option to convert their patterns for maternity wear.

Seems simple enough, right?

In a fit of hormonal confidence, I took my idea to Amy Butler Design. Rather than ignoring my suggestion, someone actually took the time to respond! I was bowled over! Not only that, the sweet girl thanked me for my suggestion by sending me a new pattern of my choice.

I chose the Liverpool.

That was more than 6 years ago and this pattern has been patiently waiting for my attention. After pinning this great dress from LL Bean, I had my inspiration to make it all happen.

And here's the end result!

All in all, this was a super easy pattern to make. No drama. No tantrums. Just a few sessions of really enjoyable sewing.

And, cotton is such a dream to work with, isn't it? 

My only trouble came with the collar (I sewed it on backward) and the collar stand, which was just tough to finish cleanly. I kept trimming bulk from the seams and eventually made it work.

One major bonus with the gingham print is its amazing ability to disguise errors. There are plenty among those tiny little checks. But that's okay! Have you ever closely examined your ready-to-wear, off-the-rack garments? They have errors, too!

I really, really love this dress. Clearly, I need to do a little better with my styling, but that's not going to stop me from wearing it. I also plan to make this one again. It's such a great wardrobe addition! I highly recommend this pattern.

Can I just say how awkward it is to take photos of yourself? I'm just plain embarrassed to set up my camera and make goofy poses in hopes that SOMETHING works. Geez.

Bonus! I had enough of the buffalo check left over to make a sweet little pair of shorts. I chose Simplicity 1373 for those. 

Not quit ready to model them, though. Another post for another day... maybe...


As always, it feels amazing to start and complete a project like this. Let me know if you have any questions about this pattern. I'm happy to help.

Happy sewing!!