In Defense of Scraps

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I absolutely do not consider myself a hoarder. In fact, I'm a purger. I've never even had enough stuff for a garage sale. Having said that, I do save my scraps from projects. Part of my creative mission is to be the best steward of my resources that I can be. Why waste it?

I've made so many really exciting "practical pretties" with leftover fabric. It's exciting to create something new and unplanned from materials that you already have on hand. It's like winning a prize.

As circumstances would have it, most of my fabric is in storage as we build our house. So, I'm having a lot of fun figuring out new ways to use up what I have on hand. Here's what I came up with this weekend:

Yes. It's a potholder. A set, actually. I've never made any before this attempt, but my wonderful husband bought me the sweetest book several years ago - all about potholders. I've always intended to put it to use, but hadn't until this weekend. So this "Anthropologie-worthy" set of potholders was made from nothing but leftover scraps of fabric and bumper batting (you're going to hear a lot about this massive supply of bumper batting).

I also made a set of gift tags. Punch a hole, add a ribbon, tie on a gift bag, and you've got a present attached to your present. Who would throw one of these away? They are too precious.

I have 1,000,000+ ideas for things to do with my treasured collection of scraps. Do you hang on to yours? What are some projects that you have planned? Please share with us all!

I'll happily send this set of 4 gift tags along to the person who comments with the most creative use for fabric scraps.

Wishing you a week full of blessings and happiness!