Spring, Sprang, Sprung!

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

We are taking advantage of every delightful moment of spring that we can! Even the weeds deserve to be photographed! ...


C'est Fini!

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

Okay. Last post about the art wall. Promise! I just felt like the wall space was too empty. Here's a reminder about where it was: And, here it is today: I decided to swapped out the wreath for one that was a little bigger and, while I had the blue paint out for my little shelf project, I painted up a couple of small cork boards. I used painter's tape to mark off my pattern for ...



posted on , by I'm Rachel.

It felt so good to spend time in my studio this weekend! Yes, I totally neglected my coursework, but I just needed a creative break! I was determined to tackle a few things around my house that have been waiting on me for months - such as rearranging the furniture, hanging pictures that have been stacked along the walls, cleaning out closets, straightening up mine... Yep. Total procrastination. So, ...


Coming Up Noses

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

Is it summer where you are? It's already in the mid-80's here. Whew. What kind of summer are we in for?? We took advantage of the mild temps and took the boys camping this weekend. We absolutely love to camp! I'm not really sure why. Disaster usually strikes. I only wish I was exaggerating. For the most part, we were spared during this trip. Unless you count several skinned knees... And... ...


Spring Has Sprung!

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

Well, if 75 degrees, sun-shining bright, and flowers in full bloom aren't enough evidence that spring has arrived, the thick green coating of pollen atop everything certainly convinces me. Last week, I pulled out a dress that I started more than two years ago. I have no idea why I abandoned the project, but with warm weather here, I decided to finish it up! I was especially excited to ...


Big Impact

posted on , by I'm Rachel.

Total angel, right? I call him "Captain Destruct-o." His latest victims are the dust covers on his big brother's beloved books. So, I dutifully removed them all and put them away for safe-keeping a few months ago. But, this past week, I was inspired to turn the Dr. Seuss covers into artwork for the boys' playroom. I mean, why not? They are beautifully printed, colorful, and so much fun. To ...



posted on , by I'm Rachel.

Happy birthday, Dr. Seuss! Thank you for inspiring one of my projects this week. Like it?Pin It Check back tomorrow for the details on how I created this new artistic addition to the boys' playroom for a total of $1 ...