Spring Has Sprung!

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Well, if 75 degrees, sun-shining bright, and flowers in full bloom aren't enough evidence that spring has arrived, the thick green coating of pollen atop everything certainly convinces me.

Last week, I pulled out a dress that I started more than two years ago. I have no idea why I abandoned the project, but with warm weather here, I decided to finish it up!

I was especially excited to see Kate Spade's spring line this week, which touts a graphic pattern very similar to what I used.

I made this dress from Simplicity 2642 out of a beautiful cotton lawn.

Allow me to be the first to point out that I own the ugliest dress-form on the market. Seriously. Ugly.

It was such a simple pattern to put together! It came together so nicely and I can't wait to wear it this spring.

Have you started any spring sewing? Please leave me a comment and let me know what patterns and fabrics you are using. I need some more inspiration!!!
