Living Vicariously

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Have I told you that I'm 34?

Now. I know that's not old, but when you work with a gaggle {yes, a gaggle} of 20-somethings who have gobs of disposable income to spend on fabulous clothes and gobs of time to live socially, you feel... well... old. And frequently frumpy.

But, I get such a kick out of hearing about their adventures in dating! And, they keep me informed about all of the truly important things... like... new trends in fashion and Spotify.

I'm sure I'd be rockin' mom jeans and making mixed tapes without their youthful influence.

So, as a slight deviation from the norm, I thought it'd be fun to introduce you to Kaitlin. 

I'm not exaggerating... 85% of her wardrobe comes from Anthropologie. No. Joke.

So, take a moment to enjoy living vicariously through her hilarious adventures in dating {and get ready for a little DIY fashion inspiration!}.

Who knows? This might become a tradition.


Hey there ladies! My name is Kaitlin. I'm 24 years old. I love fashion. I hate the sound of people chewing. I have a rewards card with Godiva (therefore, I also have a love of exercising). I use uncommon phrases like, "For criminy sakes!" and "That's swell!" I love Hello Kitty and am not ashamed to admit it.

Dress and Necklace: Anthropologie

And I'm single.

If there is one thing I know a lot about, it's dating. And I have an abundance of experiences to share with you.

My dating history starts back in the 5th grade, but I find that those stories are significantly less interesting than the ones from my immediate past. But, you know… back then, boys knew how to treat a girl. I always had a Valentine, a constant supply of stuffed animals, and someone who would always hold my hand.

Fast forward to today… men just aren't the same! I suppose you could say I am picky about who I date… or maybe they are… I haven't figured that part out yet.

Deciding that it was time for new beginnings, I broke up with my high school sweetheart during my freshman year of college to date The Man of My Dreams (No. 1). Things were perfect for two weeks… until he wrote me a list of the 15 things he didn't like about me, ignored me in social settings, and confessed to continuing a relationship with his "ex."

He sounds like a winner, right? At least he was nice to look at…

Well, ta-ta until next week! I'll tell you all about The Man of My Dreams (No. 2).

And, yes. They all have numbers.

DIY Inspiration
Must make this necklace!