Well, That's Not What I Expected...

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Just popping in to share a little DIY fail with you.

And, today we're talking hair color.

OMGeeeeeee!!!! That's the worst kind of fail!

I feel like my hair is just too short to justify having it professionally colored. There's just nothing to work with! But... I wanted to lighten up a bit for the summer.

So, I bought this.

What could be more perfect for summer? Caramel color... brass free... ultra lightening...

I'm such a sucker for advertising promises!

This is the result.

What the heck happened here? This is red. Really red. Brassy red with no hint of caramel anywhere!

Oh, well. I'm giving it a week before deciding upon my next course of action.

The greatest thing about short hair is that mistakes grow out quickly.

Hope you're doing great! I've been thinking about you. I'm so happy to be posting... something... anything!!!
