When you're looking at pillows this pretty! And these pictures don't do them justice. The first pillow is not as lumpy as it appears here. By the way, I started this project days ago to share with you, but someone was seriously competing for my attention. He's pretty dramatic. :) The first pillow is inspired by this Pinterest find: I have two armchairs underneath ...
I took a nature walk with my boys today and happened to photograph a wish at sunset. Just wanted to pass it alon ...
I purchased the fabric for our great room windows before we even moved in. I absolutely love this fabric.
We've been in the house for 5 months now and I finally worked up the courage to start the project. When I say "worked up the courage," I mean, I was terrified to cut this fabric. I really was.
After much debate, I settled on an out-of-print McCall's pattern - M3561, View D. It was one that I'd made years ago before with great results.
I wish this story had the same happy ending...
{Mistake #1}
I was working with 3 windows in a row so I decided to make one treatment to span the entire width, rather than one per window.
{Mistake #2}
I convinced myself that upholstery fabric would make a suitable contrasting fabric. I know better. I do.
{The Result}
It just looks a little sad to me. Maybe it will grow on me.
It's disappointing because I put so much time and effort (and money!) into this treatment. Obviously, if I were to do it again, I would make one treatment per window and use a proper weight contrasting fabric.
I still love the fabric and may order more for my dining room. I'm working up a few pillows with the remnants that I have left. I'll be sharing those with you later this week.
If you'd like to see pics of some of my past window projects, head on over to my Facebook page {give me a "Like" while you're there}. I'm always looking for window ideas. Maybe you'll see something there that inspires you!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Yep... I've been takin' care of business all weekend long! I'm trying to clear some items off of my "to do" list so that they won't be hanging over my head during the holidays. The great news {for me, anyway} is that I've got some time off this week and have several creative projects to tackle! So, I'll be posting throughout the week, instead of waiting for the weekend. Whoo-hoo! Moving ...
I'm especially excited about this thrifty find that I picked up at the Salvation Army last month. They had a huge bin of new sports letter appliques and they were selling them 20 for $1! Can you believe that?! I was reminded about my fun purchase thanks to Jodi Kahn's Homecoming Onesie post from earlier this week. Such a perfect project for this time of year! But, I don't know ...
I have fallen deep into the "mommy trap." You know... the one that convinces you to head to the kids' department instead of where you'd really rather be. Oh wait! Are you there with me? Give me a wave! For years, I've preached to my own mother about the need to enjoy shopping for herself. She deserves it! And I can see that it's really a struggle for her to break out of the "do only ...
What the what?!!!!!! I am still completely stunned by all of this. {And, I'm sure this is the only time that I will share web real estate with Paula Deen!} Check out CountryLiving.com homepage today! Follow the link for an inside look at the awards luncheon! ...
Want to learn how to make these beautiful ribbons? Cathe Holden, of justsomethingimade.com, has the step-by-step tutorial posted on her blog today! You'll be inspired to create a dozen! ...
I am finally making progress on my playroom/studio space! I ordered the fabric ages ago and it's been staring at me... for ages... wondering when I plan to use it. Do you remember my grand plans for the room? The challenge is to create a space that works for me (girly!) and my boys (definitely not girly). It's a challenge. I am happy to report that Project #1 is complete! Toy storage ...
Oh my goodness! You would not believe the past few days that I’ve had. It’s truly been an adventure of a lifetime. The turnip truck? Keep reading… I’ll explain myself later. You may remember my post from September. I discovered that my blog was a finalist in the “Craft” category for the First Annual Blue Ribbon Blogger Awards hosted by Country Living Magazine. I was over the moon!! But... ...